How long will my roof really last?

This is one of the most common questions we receive from our customers each and every year.

The answer to this question is based off of two major factors.

  1. Where you are located.
  2. The differences in winter and summer climates.

For example, if you live in the New England area and have pretty steady temperatures throughout the year then your roof is going to last longer. I have been told and heard that asphalt shingle roofs in the New England area can last 25-30 years.

However, if you live in Atlanta, Georgia where we have extreme temperatures in the summer and freakish winter storms, the roofs aren’t going to last as long. The average length of an asphalt shingle here in Atlanta is between 15-20 years.

Temperatures have a direct impact on asphalt shingles. During some summers here in Atlanta, the asphalt shingles will be so hot that they will burn you if you aren’t wearing gloves.

Just look recently at the extreme differences in temperatures that Atlanta experienced this January of 2017. The weekend of the 7th and 8th there was snow and ice with temperatures in the 20’s. Then at the end of the week we are back up into the high 60’s. This extreme difference negatively affects the the life of asphalt shingles as they expand and contract.



If you believe your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, please give us a call @ 678.384.766 for a Free inspection and estimate.


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Inquiring about a new roof or roof repair for your home or business? Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly. For immediate response please call us at 678.384.7663.